An Introduction to Object COBOL
Build and run xml publisher report from online button
Button fieldchange event Peoplecode written
Xmlp Report uses PS Query which uses three tables joined together and
builds output
One of the tables in the query is temporarily populated using the scroll
and rowset properties.
Below is the whole logic.
Component string &c_transfer_sodca;
Local PSXP_RPTDEFNMANAGER:ReportDefn &oRptDefn;
Local Record &rcdQryPrompts, &rcdQryRunParms, &REC;
Local SQL &sqlSelectQryParms, &SQL;
Local string &reportid, &sDirName, &print, &ssn;
Local number &j;
SQLExec("delete from ps_nc_sodca_tmp1");
&SQL = CreateSQL("%INSERT(:1)");
&REC = CreateRecord(Record.<temp table>);
&SQL.BulkMode = True;
For &j = 1 To ActiveRowCount(Scroll.<view name>)
&ssn = FetchValue(Scroll.<view name>,
&j, <view name>.SSN);
&print = FetchValue(Scroll.<view name>,
&j, <view name>.NC_PRINT);
rem MessageBox(0, "", 0, 0, "ssn =
%1", &ssn);
rem MessageBox(0, "", 0, 0, "Print =
%1", &print);
&REC.OPRID.Value = %OperatorId;
&REC.SSN.Value = &ssn;
&REC.NC_PRINT.Value = &print;
&REC.DATETIME_STAMP.Value = %Datetime;
&SQL.Close(); /*crucial line*/
&reportid = <xmlp report name>;
/* create report definition */
&oRptDefn = create PSXP_RPTDEFNMANAGER:ReportDefn(&reportid);
&oRptDefn.ProcessReport("xmlp report name",
"ENG", %Date, "PDF");
&sDirName = &oRptDefn.OutDestination;
&oRptDefn.Publish("", &sDirName, "", 0);
Issues faced:
=รจ &SQL.Close(); line was missing in
the original code and when I click on the print button, fieldchange event used
to throw error that ‘think time function viewattachment() can not work while
database transaction update happening’
Apparently &oRptDefn.DisplayOutput(); internally calls viewattachment() which checks if there are any open
cursors present, so closing the SQL object did the trick.
It was a good learning experience. Always close the SQL cursor though
they are usually harmless unless some situation like this occurs.
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