RSF_LEAD header record has ACCEPTED_DT, REFERRED DT fields. They get populated when the status of the Lead changes.
I am on CRM 9.0 bundle 31 and peopletools 8.49
I don't see those values getting updated correctly which could be useful when building any sql query around it.
The place where you can add business logic for this is:
RSF:CDMInterface - application class
Method: ConvertLeadToOppy
This is the code snippet -
&rLead.LEAD_STATUS.Value = "CO";
==============custom code can be placed here ==========================
If None(&rLead.ACCEPTED_DT.Value) Then
&rLead.ACCEPTED_DT.Value = %Date;
If None(&rLead.REFERRED_DT.Value) Then
&rLead.REFERRED_DT.Value = %Date;
==============custom code can be placed here ==========================
/* ice 578544000 */
&rLead.LEAD_REJECT_CD.Value = "";
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