APP_MSG_ADMINISTRATOR for Integration Broker batch error notifications

Go to Workflow tab and remove the associated Rolequery and deselect 'Use Query to Route Workflow' check box. Save.
Attach this role to appropriate user profiles.
Note 1 :
App engine can be run from:
PeopleTools>Integration Broker>Service Operations Monitor>Monitoring>Asynchronous Details
Note 2 :
If there are any messages in either Error or Timeout status, then the app engine PT_AMM_WF sends the notification to the users with APP_MSG_ADMINISTRATOR role . App engine calls a CI based on a dummy component which in turn triggers the traditional workflow event.
Delivered Role APP_MSG_ADMINISTRATOR filters the list of users to be notified based on a role query.
We need to make the Role APP_MSG_ADMINISTRATOR to be the static role to make sure only appropriate users get notified.
The app engine could be scheduled to run at a desired frequency on proc server.

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