Opps as Owner:
Primary SLSREP or person id in the RSF_OPPORTUNITY table
Opps as Manager: (manager of primary sls team member)
return person_id_manager from RSF_aCC_SUSER
person id from RSF_OPPORTUNITY = person id from RSF_ACC_SUSER
opps as team member:
SLSREP table for a given opportunity
Opps as Team Member Manager: (manager of any of the sls team member)
return person_id_manager from RSF_aCC_SUSER
person id from SLSREP = person id from RSF_ACC_SUSER
Opps as Task Assignee:
Task owner from RB_TSK WHERE
RB_TSK_TXN table with RB_TRANSACTION_ID = 'OPPRT' and sync id from RB_TSK and RSF_OPPORTUNITY is same
Opps as Temporary Assignee
if the opport owner (PERSON_ID in RSF_OPPORTUNITY tble) is temporarily assigned someone elses job based on the RSF_TR_TEAM table setup in the given date range
Unassigned Opps
No sales team is assigned
Opps as Account Owner
and REL_TYPE_ID IN 31 OR 101
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