CRM :: Masking the email addresses in non-production environment

Important CRM tables to be updated for masking the email addresses in non-production environment.This is crucial when we want to test the email functionality in peoplesoft as we donot want the emails from DEV/TEST environments to go to the real email addresses.

update ps_bo_srch_eml set cm_concat = '', email_addr = '',cm_concat_upper = 'DEVEMAILTESTING@ABC.COM';
update ps_rf_provider_grp set email_addr = ''
update ps_rc_case set rc_contact_info mailto:= where rc_contact_info like '%@%';
update ps_cm set email_addr= '' where cm_type_id=4;
update ps_rf_provider_grp set email_addr= '';
update psuseremail set emailid= '';
update ps_rolexlatopr set emailid= '';
update psoprdefn set emailid= '';
update ps_rb_in_email set reply_to_address= '';
update ps_rbc_recipient set email_addr= '';
update ps_mcfem_mail_main set mcf_email_from= '';
update ps_RB_EMAIL_ORGL set email_from= '' , Email_bcc= '';

There are other ways to do it also. This is just data masking.
We can achieve this objective by writing a wrapper code around sendmail() function in peoplesoft.This wrapper can modify the 'To email address' to dummy ID when we are dealing with non-production environments.
In higher peopletools version 8.47, we would need to write a similar wrapper around javamail API function call also.

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